Madalena Patricio, PhD

Past President of the Association for Medical Education in Europe (AMEE)
AMEE International Adviser
Chair of BEME Board (Best Evidence Medical Education)
21st Dec
Researching and innovating medical education through different approaches
(Dorene Balmer, PhD, Morris Gordon, MBChB, PhD, Madalena Patricio, PhD, Satid Thammasitboon, MD, MHPE, Martin Pusic, MD, PhD, Susan Mckenney, PhD and Erik Driessen, PhD)
21st Dec
BEME Workshop: Evidence Synthesis
(Morris Gordon, MBChB, PhD, Madalena Patricio, PhD and Satid Thammasitboon, MD, MHPE)
21st Dec
Meet & Greet session
(Dorene Balmer, PhD, Morris Gordon, MBChB, PhD, Madalena Patricio, PhD, Satid Thammasitboon, MD, MHPE, Martin Pusic, MD, PhD, Susan Mckenney, PhD and Erik Driessen, PhD)
22nd Dec
Advanced level - Workshops
Track A |
BEME part 1: Landscape of Evidence Synthesis |