Osaree Akaraborworn, MD, PhD

23rd Dec
Advanced level - Workshops
Track B |
Conducting Educational Design Research
(Susan Mckenney, PhD and Osaree Akaraborworn, MD)
23rd Dec
Track B |
Conducting Educational Design Research
(Susan Mckenney, PhD and Osaree Akaraborworn, MD)
Demo Description
My first Popup
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Since evidence-based medicine has become the core approach to ensure high quality delivery of clinical care, there have been similar calls within medical education to move from ‘eminence’ to ‘evidence’ based teaching. However, the complexities of selecting appraising and synthesizing evidence within the complex world of medical education has been a wicked challenge for educators and researchers within the field. Best Evidence Medical and Health Professions Education (BEME), a 2-decade old initiative by the AMEE, has led the way in this area. It has produced models to allow the synthesis of evidence within education driven quality within such processes and evolved to embrace newer and more diverse methods to consider the tapestry of educational research we can guide clinical teachers. We will discuss the diverse forms of review that exist mirroring the diversity of primary research within education. We will consider key elements of review and present a user guide with practical demonstration and exercises to allow the audience to select and appraise reviews in education to enhance their own clinical teaching practice in the most efficient and effective way possible. We will also present some first steps of advice for those planning to undertake their own review projects in education
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Sessions that offer training in qualitative research are designed for attendees who want to understand the foundations of qualitative research and how those foundations shape the principles that underpin qualitative research practices. To that end, international qualitative researchers will address abstract concepts like paradigms, constructivism, and methodology. They will trace insights gained from discussion of these foundational concepts to the generation of research questions, general principles of qualitative research and corresponding practices of sampling, data collection, data analysis, and reflexivity. They will actively engage the audience in hands-on experience of using these principles to guide corresponding practices of sampling, data collection, data analysis, and reflexivity. At the end of the sessions, attendees will grasp the alignment of foundational concepts with general principles and practices that characterize rigorous qualitative research in health professions education, and will be able to design a well-aligned qualitative research study.
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Educational design research is a genre of inquiry in which the iterative development of solutions to practical and complex educational problems provides the setting for scientific investigation. The solutions can include educational products, processes, programs or policies. Educational design research not only targets solving significant problems facing specific medical education practitioners, but at the same time it seeks to discover new knowledge that can inform the work of others facing similar problems. Working systematically and simultaneously toward these dual goals is perhaps the most defining feature of educational design research. The process typically ensues in multiple iterations of analysis and exploration, design and construction, and evaluation and reflection. When structured well, insights from each phase are valuable in their own right, and also contribute to the overall goals of the study. The plenary session on educational design research clarifies the origins and nature of the approach before offering brief experiences to think as a design researcher in a setting whereby e-portfolios are required but problematic. Building on this, the elective session features taster experiences in which participants ‘imagineer’ how they would structure each phase to address the e-portfolio situation so that it serves students, programs, and field-based stakeholders.
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The term Big Data captures some (but only some) of what has changed as both our clinical and educational enterprises have moved into the digital/virtual space. The volume of digital data, the variety of it, and the velocity at which we can move it have fundamentally changed the way we practice. But how to be systematic about studying this firehose phenomenon, one that is fractal in nature in that it affects us at the individual, team and organizational levels? Can we research systematically when all that is digital is changing all around us? In our plenary session we will argue for a scholarly approach to the creation, implementation and evaluation of technology enhanced learning. In particular, we will examine how learning through and about the new technology can help us more effectively advocate for more and better learning in our clinical spaces. The eventual claim is that we can and need to reinforce the importance of continual learning by clinicians as they adapt to an ever-changing clinical milieu. In the breakout sessions, we will critically engage with case studies of technology implementation at the micro-, meso- and macro levels so as to develop a deeper appreciation of these technological trends and how we can use them to improve Health Professions Education.
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